What does Portland Squared cost?

REGISTRATION: $69 ASMP/NANPA/OPPA members, $99 non-members, and $29 for students.  

Registration includes:

• Entrance in the contest

• Live judging (instant feedback on contestants' images)

• Prizes for each category

$10 tickets to attend live judging also available for non-contestants.


Do I have to be an ASMP Member?  Do I have to be a professional photographer?

No and no.  ASMP, NANPA and OPPA Members, non-members, and students are invited, and all skill levels are encouraged.


When and where do we meet?

Polara Studio

1309 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202


How long do I have to shoot?

Once you receive your square assignment between 3 and 7 p.m. on Friday, you may immediately begin shooting.  Group editing is from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, but you may shoot during this time, as well.  However, all contest submissions are due to your Pod Leader, properly named, by 4 p.m. (NO exceptions).


Do I have to shoot the whole time?

No. You choose the amount of shooting you want to do in the 24 hour period.


Do I have to shoot only in my square?

It is widely known, practiced, and taught in the photography and art education world, that constraint is a great way to kick-start creativity. PDX Squared was created with this concept in mind and we firmly believe that the physical and time constraints built into the event are a fantastic way to encourage amazing work.

We strongly encourage you to create your images in your assigned square or the fivw wild card squares. Images created outside of the PDX Squared map will not be accepted.


Is water included in the shooting area?

The river is not included as a section, though anyone can photograph that area if they choose.


Is there camera gear available to rent?

YES, at a discount from Pro Photo Supply


Do I have to submit square cropped images?

No, all crops, from square to panoramic, are welcome.


Is drone photography allowed?

Yes. Follow all FAA rules and regulations.

Do I need model releases?

We leave model releases up to the discretion of the photographer and is always good practice.  However, in the case of disputes, persons, places, and/or objects appearing within all submitted images should be fully and properly released and will be the responsibility of the photographer.


Can I stage, set up, or use models in my images?  Can images be manipulated?

Yes, as long as you enter the images in the Creative Storytelling category.

What about AI?

All images submitted must be originally created in-camera. Retouching is allowed (except for the Documentary category) however, no use of 2nd party AI images or regenerative fill.


What are the “journalistic standards” for the Documentary category?

Please refer to the NPPA Code of Ethics, https://nppa.org/code_of_ethics


What is an editing pod?

Each contestant will be assigned to an editing pod and Pod Leader to serve as a resource.  Each pod consists of 7 photographers and 1 leader to help with editing, file naming, submission, and to answer questions.  During the group editing, we encourage you to sit and mingle with your pod. This is a chance to share your work and adventures from the day.  All contest submissions will be due to your Pod Leader Saturday by 4 p.m., NO exceptions.


Do I need a laptop?

Yes, please bring your own laptop for the editing pod session (1-4 p.m. Saturday). If you do not have one, email asmp.events@gmail.com to make alternate arrangements. 


Can ASMP board members, and PDX Squared Volunteers compete?

Board members and volunteers can choose to photograph anywhere in the PDX Squared map and compete for the Volunteers Awards.

Can PDX Squared POD Leaders compete?

POD Leaders can not compete in the regular competition. However they can choose to photograph anywhere in the PDX Squared map and compete for the Volunteers Awards.

How many images may I submit?

Each entrant may submit up to a total of 5 entries.


What size and color should my submitted images be?

.jpg files, 3000 pixels on the longest side in Adobe SRGB color space.


Who are the Judges? 

To view their profile visit the judges page.


How does the live judging work?

Click here for details.


What are the categories?
• Editorial Portrait: A documentary photograph of a person in a real environment.
• Creative Storytelling: A conceptualized, produced photograph of a created scene or tableaux.
• Documentary Photography: A Photograph that truthfully portrays people, places or things. See NPPA rules.
• Urban Landscape: A photograph of or relating to the man-made environment.
• Natural World: A photograph of or relating to the natural environment.
• Portlandia: Keep Portland Weird - A photograph that shows the uniqueness of Portland.

CRAFT Awards: Rewards to excellence in photographic craft and technique. You can't submit images for these awards, the judges nominate them during live judging. Winners will be announced during the 2nd intermission.

• Best use of Light
• Best use of Composition
• Best use of Black and White
• Best use of In-Camera Time & Motion (Blur or Stop Action)

• Volunteers Award (judges select top 3 staff/volunteer/sponsor submitted images, and choose 1 -3 winners.)

Do I keep my copyright?

Yes, of course!  All photographers retain the copyright to their images.


What can I win?

Our fabulous sponsors will be providing prizes, including product and services from Pro Photo Supply. As we secure prizes we will be updating our website. So stay tuned! 


Can I invite a guest(s)?

Yes. Tickets are available to attend live judging.  They can be purchased for $10 in advance or $15 at the door.


Can I get a refund?

Full refunds for Participant tickets are available until Friday, April 18th, 2025, one week before the event.  For Non-Contestant tickets, a full refund up to 1 day before the event (Thursday, April 24th, 2025). No-shows for all ticket types will not be refunded. To obtain a refund, please email asmp.events@gmail.com.


Is there a waiting list?

Yes, when all available contestant slots are taken, we will begin a waiting list. Sign up for the wait list at the registration page.


Is there a contact if I have additional questions?

Yes, email asmp.events@gmail.com.