A documentary photograph of a person in a real environment.
(What we mean: Think of this as non-fiction. These are portraits of actual people in their own life. For example, if you find a butcher shop and take a portrait of the butcher, the picture belongs here. If you photograph that butcher on a river bank and put a fishing pole in his hand posed as an awesome looking fisherman, it belongs in Creative Storytelling.)
A conceptualized, produced photograph of a created scene or tableaux.
(What we mean: In this scenario you might be bringing models, lighting, props, or other elements into a location to create a fictional story. )
A photograph that truthfully portrays people, places or things.
(What we mean: This is about documenting and telling stories visually as an observer. This includes traditional street photography, photojournalism, news gathering, editorial and taking pictures at events. See NPPA rules.)
A photograph of or relating to the man-made environment.
(What we mean: Photographing the built environment where the predominant elements and subject are man-made. If you take an amazing picture of a bridge or a building it belongs here. If you are taking a picture of a rally that also has a bridge or building in the background it belongs in DOCUMENTARY.)
A photograph of or relating to the natural environment.
(What we mean: Photographing subjects in the natural environment where the predominant elements and subject are naturally occurring. Trees, flowers, bees, and birds go here. If the bird is made of felt and is on a cowboy hat, that belongs in PORTLANDIA.)
Keep Portland Weird - A photograph that shows the uniqueness of Portland.
(What we mean: Portland is a wonderful and unique place. The elements that make our city different are hard to define, but you know it when you see it. We are weird, but weird with purpose. We are weird with story. We are weird with meaning. This category is a place to celebrate our story of diversity and strangeness.)